866.726.5388 | #RelentlesslyPositive

The constant application of effective and productive optimism.

#RelentlesslyPositive | 866.726.5388

Leadership Lessons from an “Ugly Mirror”

Leadership Lessons from an “Ugly Mirror”

Do you remember the part in the iconic movie “When Harry Met Sally” when Sally’s friend Marie (played by Carrie Fisher) is at a loss about how to handle her partner’s (hideous) wagon wheel coffee table? In a move reminiscent of this, a friend of mine recently posted a...

Communicate with Confidence, Credibility, and Impact

Communicate with Confidence, Credibility, and Impact

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was a gawky and rather intense 12-year old having the typical (read "emotional roller coaster") Jr. High experience. My equally intense, and frankly rather scary P.E. teacher delegated the responsibility of taking "roll" to me. ...

Don’t Know What to Say?

Don’t Know What to Say?

Here is what to say when you don't know what to say or find yourself at a loss for words. We've all been there. You are involved in an important conversation with a business connection and suddenly you have no idea what to say next in order to move the conversation...

Stop “Helping”

Stop “Helping”

Yes. I said it. Stop "helping." It may be holding back your career advancement, sabotaging your executive presence, or keeping you from getting the credit you deserve.Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not suggesting that you not be a team player, or that you not step in or...

Are You Sabotaging Your Team’s Psychological Safety?

Are You Sabotaging Your Team’s Psychological Safety?

By now you've likely heard of Google's project Aristotle, a study of hundreds of Google’s teams with the objective of discovering why some succeed while others don't. One of the most significant findings from this initiative is that "psychological safety" is crucial...

Leaders… Happiness is Overrated

Leaders… Happiness is Overrated

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where “choosing to be happy” or any of the other peppy pieces of advice often given by professional speakers from the platform just don't seem to be working? Or, in a serious situation where being perky, upbeat, and a ray of...

Why Leaders Need to Stop Making “Changes”

Why Leaders Need to Stop Making “Changes”

A few days ago I had the privilege to work with one of my favorite clients, Norton Healthcare in Louisville, KY. I've been working with them for the past several months facilitating their Women's Leadership Academy. This academy is made up of bright, motivated, and...


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