Sanity-Saving Bundle


Are there holiday meals and other gatherings in your future? Here are two opportunities to boost your communication confidence and enhance your ability to manage difficult conversations and situations this holiday season. In these 20-minute live events, you will discover:

  • Discover tactful responses to awkward or inappropriate questions.
  • Learn what to say when you don’t know what to say or are put on the spot.
  • Master the art of the “boundary statement” – even with persistent and pushy people.
  • Tools to Keep the Peace – Even When Others Won’t
  • What Not to Say in Tense Situations
  • No More Letting Others Steal Your Joy this Season

With sanity-saving phrases and other powerful communication tools, these 20-minute quick courses are the boost you need to keep holiday meals and gatherings pleasant and positive.

If you can’t make the live events, don’t fret.  You will receive access to the recorded programs.  You will even be able to submit your questions in advance to make sure your personal needs are met.  SPACE IS LIMITED.  The program is NOT A SALES PITCH disguised as education. You will receive tools, tips, and techniques that have proven successful for people around the globe. Register and reserve your “virtual seat” today.


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