When you change the way you look at things, what you look at changes.
This common adage illustrates the power of perspective. Understanding the power of perspective can boost our communication skills and leadership abilities.
Exceptional communicators and leaders know the perspective they take to a problem, or even a person who may be problematic in the moment, can radically alter their experience of the problem or person. To use a very common example, a professional who reframes a problem as growth opportunity often will be better at solving the problem.
Can the same approach work with a “problematic person?” Absolutely! A high-caliber leader can reframe their experience of a “problematic person” by remembering:
Not everyone was raised at your house.
Not everyone has had the same experiences, same learning opportunities, the same mentorship and role models. The things you, as a leader, might assume are “common sense” aren’t always so common. Remembering that not everyone was raised at your house, remembering that not everyone you lead has the same knowledge base that you do, remembering that not everyone views the world (and work) the way you do can go a long way towards helping you reframe your experience of someone.
As opposed to seeing them as “a scattered and disorganized person” you can view them as someone who needs time/project management training. As opposed to seeing them as someone who is “disrespectful” because they are chronically late, you may be able to view them as someone who needs your expectations of “timeliness” explained to them instead of assuming they know because it is “common sense.”
When you change the way you look at things, even the way you look at people, what you look at changes. Remember, “not everyone was raised at your house” and you can go a long way towards becoming a better leader, communicator, and team member.
For more tools on how to leverage the power of perspective, check out these on-line learning programs
Pamela Jett is a communication skills and leadership expert who knows that words matter! In her keynote presentations, workshops, books and online learning programs, she moves beyond communication theory into practical strategies that can be implemented immediately to create the kind of leadership, teamwork, and employee engagement results her clients want.